Saturday 23 September 2017

What makes 'A Ghost Story' one of the best horror movies from Hollywood?

Just like its protagonist, it seems that A Ghost Story has become invisible in the midst of so many popular movies released in 2017. I went through some lists on top movies of 2017, and hardly any list mentioned this flick. This supernatural horror story is not your run of the mill movie in which a family or a group of friends visit a haunted structure, or the main character is possessed by a spirit. It's much more than that. It has a soul! Well, literally!!
Let's see what makes this movie so special and original.


Character development of a ghost

It is a phenomenon hardly seen in a film. A good movie is one in which the scriptwriters have developed a human character meticulously. In A Ghost Story, David Lowery has focused on same while creating the character of the ghost. This factor alone makes it one of the best horror movies from HollyWood.

No cliched scary moments

Think of a last popular supernatural horror flick, and you might remember some cliched scary moments from it. Ok, 'IT' can be excluded. If we talk about A Ghost Story, the aim of the filmmakers was never to scare the viewers, at least not in the conventional sense. Perhaps some viewers might have been disappointed. Maybe, "A Ghost's Story" would have been an apt title. Anyways, whosoever loves originality in the supernatural horror movie will love it.

It's the melancholy that haunts you

Sometimes, melancholy is scary and haunts you for a long time. And it’s the long wait and the eerie feeling from the movie that haunts you even when the movie ends. The vision of the afterlife is also something that stays with you (and might scare you, as well).

It's also an original love story

If you watch it just from the angle of a love story, then also you will find it completely original and fully satisfying. The human emotions shown in the movie look so real. It reflects how hard it is to leave someone you love. Waiting for someone forever is literally depicted in it. Even if you don’t see the expressions of the protagonist (a Ghost in this case), you can feel what he is going through.

The element of time travel

It’s when you are fully engrossed by the loneliness of the character; you get a surprise in the form of time travel. You can't consider time travel as the best element of the movie. But, the story takes a new direction due to this interesting twist. And yeah, it paved the way for an apt ending. You also get some answers, like what was that ghost-like energy shown in the beginning of the movie. What I personally liked was the idea was that it is the ghost who travels through time.

Due to these factors, the movie has listed can be easily placed with some iconic names like The Shining and The Exorcist, which are considered the best when one talks about Hollywood horror movies. Well, at least a true cinema lover will agree to it. The movie also deserves some nominations this Oscar season.